Nothing To Wear



This must be one of the most boring blogs ever...
I have now realized I never do anything fun, all I do is study.
And guess what I'm doing right now? Oh, yeah...I'm studying. 

But anyways. Today has been great. And i hope tomorrow will be even better. 
I think I might actually go shopping. Unless I die from fear in class. yeah I go a presentation tomorrow and it freaks me out. But hopefully it will go great and i can go shopping after. 
I really need to go find something to were to the 5 Seconds Of Summer concert next week.

You see I have a small problem. Should I wear what I usually wear and have everyone think I'm wearing it just because it's similar to what the boys wear. 
Or should I wear a dress and freeze my butt off. 

What do you think? Please help me... 

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