Boda Borg


Yesterday was great! We went to Boda Borg which is a quest conquer kinda place. It's an amazing place, it truly is! 
You go around in teams and there is 24 different themed rooms with quests in them. Some are easy and some are harder to concur. We did really great and got all stamps except for one, so now I need to go back and get all of them. 

Hope your day was good! 

Love, Erika



Hey you! 
Today I went shopping with my sister and her friends, and last Saturday I went to Mall of Scandinavia with my family. So I just thought it would be fitting to do a small haul to show you what I got. First out is two tops from Bik Bok. It's the grey and the white one at the top. They are really cute, but it's currently way to cold in Sweden to use them so I'm now just waiting to summer to start. 

Then the next one is a mascara from KIKO. I love this brand and I have used some of their mascaras before and really liked them. So I thought it would be fitting to try another one out since it was only 85,00 SEK and my other one is almost empty. I have tried it and I really liked the way my lashes looked. A lot!

Next shirt it a grey t-shirt from Pull & Bear. It got a little alien in the top right, that looks really cute. 
Plus the material of the shirt is super soft. Then the last shirt if a jumper type which has this gorgeous green-grey color. The picture dose not do it justice. 

Hope you have had a great day! 

Love, Erika

Kodaline - 2016-02-14


So as you may have guessed from the title the latest concert I went to was Kodaline.
I don't usually listen to them a lot, I have only heard a few of their songs, but they were really good live. The concert was amazing even if we ended up in the back of the room. The room by the way was amazing. We were a Berns in Stockholm and it was so pretty. I did spend almost half of the concert just looking at the walls and the sealing. I just find old buildings so pretty and interesting. 

But back to the band. They were really good and I would love to go se them again if I get the chance. 
If you have not heard any of there songs you should totally look them up. 
Here are some of their songs.

Love, Erika

The Story So Far


So... hey! what's up? 
I know I haven't exactly been the best at blogging so far this year. But I can promise that I will from now on try harder. I really like writing here, even if almost everything I post is plain shit, I still enjoy writing it. 

So let's catch up on what's happened this year. 
Today is the first day or was the first day of our first spring break. You you read correctly, we have to spring breaks here in Sweden. The first one (this one) is called the "Sports Break" and then in a few weeks we have "Easter Break". But anyway. Hopefully this week will be good, but I do need to get some studying done even if we'er on a break. (Saying or writing "we're on a break" always makes me think of Friends)

Last weekend my best friend and I went to a concert in Stockholm which I will most likely post pic's for later this week. But that mean I have been to two concerts so far this year which is exiting. 

Then we also have celebrated a few birthdays and started planing a little bit for the year. 
Okay I think this will do for now, wouldn't want to make it to long and bore you ;) 
Hope your year has been great so far! Tell me something fun you have done! 

Love, Erika

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