Ron Pope


Good morning love! 
I just woke up and had breakfast, so now I'm just sitting downstairs editing some pictures. 
Yesterday me and my friend went up to Stockholm and to the Ron Pope & the nighthawks concert. 
And It was amazing. Ron pope is one of my all-time favorite artists so to get to see him live was just amazing. Plus, we got almost to the front of the the place so we had a really good view of the show. 

I would really like to see him do another show in Sweden, but at the same time, if I end up in a country at the same time as him I will try to get tickets to the show. 

Here are some of my favorite songs of his. Hope you like them!



Good evening!
I just finished baking some cupcakes for tomorrow. 
tomorrow is our teachers last day sort of, so we are having a "FIKA" with her tomorrow in school. So I made some cupcakes. They don't look super good but they taste amazing. 
I will talk more with you tomorrow hopefully. 

Love, Erika

Walking In The Snow


So I don't really have a lot to say right now, kinda have a lot going on in school right now so I might not have time to upload a lot but I will try. 

Anyway I'm doing okey at the moment, siting in my kitchen doing math homework. 
I'll just leave you with these pictures from my walk home from school. And my awkward angel, selfie. 

Love, Erika

More Music


It's the start of 2016 and that means that there are a whole new year (366 days) to find new music to listen to. So here are some of my favorite songs right now. I hope you like them and I would love it if you comment your favorite songs, so that I can find something good to listen to. 

Love, Erika

Hunting For Food


Today has been good so far. I was in school all day but I had quite a good time. The teacher had something else to do so we got to be on our own. It actually worked out good this time. I did get somethings done but I still have homework so this what I'm gonna spend my evening focusing on. 
Hope your day was good! Oh, and me and Jenny didn't like the food in school today so  we went on a hunt thru the snow landscape for lunch. Ended up with a chicken salad. 

Love, Erika

Gingerbread Cookies


Hey you! 
The snow is falling here in Sweden so, since christmas was soooo long ago we decided to bring back the christmas spirit and make gingerbread cookies today.
Basically my mom got a gingerbread dough a few days ago so we though we should try it out. 
I got to say that it tastes amazing and I can totally se my self buying it next holiday season. 

Hope you day has been good so far!

Love, Erika

Cactus And Work

Hey you, what's up?

So today has been great, I had a bit of a sleep in this morning which was much needed. 
Now I'm seated in my couch infront of my computer writing this and watching TV. 
My plans for the next few hours are to watch American Horror Story and do some school work that need to be done before school stats next week. 
Even tho I feel like this is gonna be the worst semester so far I kinda want to try to do as good as possible with school and get my grades up a little bit. 

Hope your day was good and it continues to be good!

Love, Erika

Winter Walk


So I'm sorry for not updating much so far this year. 
Okey who am I kidding it hasen't even been a week in 2016 so I don't really have to feel sorry about it.  But anyway...Sorry. 

So today I have been working out, I have done some squats and I went for a walk. I know it's not much but at least it's something. 
My goal this year is to get in shape and and try to actually do things and most importantly wear outfits that I love and don't care what other people think about it. 

Hope your day was good! 

Love, Erika

Stuff To Do


Good day! 

Today I haven't been feeling on top so I haven't exactly done much. 
But I still have done some things, I promise I haven't just been in bed all day again. 

I have started my to do list for next week, school starts in a weeks time and I have some thing I need to do before that. Then i have also been doing some exercise or basically just squats. 
I have done some cleaning and I have done some work. 
So even if I haven't been feeling super good I still have accomplish a lot today. Yay me! 

Hope your day was good. 

Love, Erika

My 2015

So... the year started of good with a trip to London for some much needed shopping. After that The whole month consisted of me focusing on school. But it was fun because I got to hang with my friends all day!

The second month of the year was borring. The only exiting thing was that the snow disappeared and the bag I orded in January finally arrived. 

In March things started to happen. In school I had to do work experience for 3 weeks which was fun.  
I got to make flower bouquets and other cool things that had to do with flowers. 
Then I also helped my friend with her school project and played a zombie in her movie. 
To be honest I'm not sure how it went with that, I should probably ask. 

In April I went Bowling with our family friends. 
I got to be honest, I was quite good in April! I went on a lot of walks with my family or with my friends and that don't happen often. We also went to a castle for afternoon tea to celebrate my grandmothers birthday. 

May, May, May... In May I went swimming in the sea for the first time this year. And I also went to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert in Stockholm. And I got to say that it was amazing. They are some really talented dudes! 

June! The summer started with my cousins graduation. And a week after that we flew to USA. 
I spent two weeks of June in California visiting family, San Francisco, Disneyland, Universal Studios and LA. That trip was one of the best so far!

We celebrated 4th of July in Lake Tahoe with our family and than a few days later we went back to Sweden. When we got back I hung out with my friends and we celebrated both mine and my mothers birthday. 

We spent that last few days of summer break going to cafes and trying different restaurants. 
And than It was time to go back to school. 

We started September of by going crayfish fishing with our fiends and than we took a weekend at Sävö where we went fishing and swimming. 
Then something Amazing happened! I got to travel to Iceland for a school project where I got to make some new friends and see the cool landscape. (p.s. Justin Bieber recorded his music video there at the same time as we were there, just thought I should put that in there)

October started of with a much needed trip to Grönalund the amusement park in Stocholm and the month ended with a 3 weeks long trip to the UK! Once again I got to travel with school and this time with some of my best friends. 

So this month we got back form England, celebrated my sister and my cousins birthday and also I got to be in the north plus project once again. That means that I got to hang out with the people I visited in Iceland and meet some new people form Finland, Denmark and Estonia. 

So December, the last month. I got to see my cousin win first price in a floor ball competition. I got to warp a lot of Christmas Presents, I got to do Deck the hauls here on my blog and I got to celebrate Christmas with my Family. So this was a good month! 


So all in all this year has been the best year of my life so far! 
I got to visit a lot of cool places both with my family and with my friends. 
I got to make new friends and I got to hangout and spend almost everyday with some of the best people in the world. 

I'm looking forward to 2016 and I hope that I get to travel and se some new places during this year as well. 

Love, Erika 

New Years Eve


Good Morning! 
So today is the first day of the new year. Yesterday was good, didn't do that much all we really did was eat and talk. But it was good. 
I did actually try oysters yesterday, it wasn't bad but not really good either. 
I had a great time and I hope you did as well. 

P.s sorry for the bad post, kinda to tired to focus right now. 

Love, Erika
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