Stocking Tips
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is just one week away *happy singing and dancing* and if you're not done with you Christmas shopping for the stockings yet, here are some tips!
Lip balms is a perfect thing since it's really cold outside and your lips get's dry a lot easier.
But since it's cold outside gloves and cozy socks is also a good idea.
A hot bath has never hurt anyone, or at least on hurt anyone badly. So bath bombs or fizz bars is a good gift if you know that this person you are buying for can handel the heat that it hot water. (Sadly I'm not one of those people)
I rally like notebooks and pens so if I got that in my stocking I would be happy. And if you think logically, it's a thing that almost everyone uses.
Makeup is also a good ide if you know someone who likes it. It dosen't have to be full sizes, small tests is a good stocking stuffer.
And lastly but not least, candy! I'm pretty sure everyone likes some sort of candy. Either candy as in lollipops and bubblegum or nature candy like dried fruit and nuts. So candy will always be a safe card to go with.
Love, Erika