


I have just realized one of my biggest fears..I think.
I'm extremely afraid of failure.  I can't be the only one tho?

You see I have this feeling inside where if there is a moment or situation where I can fail and disappoint people I get sick. I just wanna run away or sitt in a corner. And this is a big problem when you're in school. Because I know that I will fail. It's not like I'm super smart and never gets anything wrong, I'm pretty sure some of this text is misspelled. And even that freaks me out. 

Now in school we are suposed to choose where we want to work or have an internship next year and all I can think of is what I will do wrong. What if i disappoint the people I'm suppose to work whit? What if I do every thing wrong and they start to scream at me (People screaming at me is also a small fear of mine) What if i start crying, freaking out or break stuff. All I can se are the bad things. 

I know that they most likely will not happen, but I still get sick just thinking about it. And that makes me feel weak and like a failure. 

Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?

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